With the start of summer, comes a disruption to our schedule and routine. This is okay! But we also have some signs to look out for if things have gotten completely out of control.
Sprinklers are on, popsicles are being consumed, friends are over, empty pizza boxes litter your kitchen table and you’re having too much fun to ask your child to go to sleep. We get it! It’s lightout at 7pm, the warm air and sounds of summer are nostalgic and bring utter joy. The end of school (and start of summer) often brings a disruption to the schedules and routines we’ve worked so hard to establish.
Maintaining flexibility around bedtime is okay during the summer months. We all do it. Remember, you will come back to your routine eventually (ahem…the start of school). That being said, here are 3 signs to look for if things have gotten completely out of control.
Know your child and their bedtime behavior. Some kids put up more of a fight than others, summertime or not. When you tell your child it’s time for bedtime, the usual groan (“mooooooooommmmmmm”) is totally acceptable. However, if you begin to see tantrums or refusal to go to bed, it might be time to tighten the routine (which doesn’t necessarily mean an earlier bedtime) and reinstate your limits around bedtime.
We’ve heard it and we’ve experienced it. Most of the school year, your child was able to fall asleep on their own. Now, all of a sudden, you’re sitting with them until they fall asleep, getting more frustrated with each toss and turn. Remember, falling asleep independently isn’t only an important skill, but it’s an essential one. Making sure your child can do this is one of your great responsibilities as a parent. You’ve heard us say it before, but learning to fall asleep at 8pm is a whole lot easier than learning at 2am.
If you start to get phone calls from camp about your child acting out or displaying behaviors that aren’t usual for them, this might be a sure sign that they’re overtired. Behaving great at camp and a mess at home, however, is totally normal.