Helping Seniors Connect With Others Is Easier Than You Think!

There is a wealth of information that caregivers and seniors can access to help stay connected with others.

Perhaps, an activity or two on the web might fill up those days where gaps in time can feel forever for loved ones. A few are listed below with a brief description of each.

Red Hat Society – Worldwide

This group of ladies age 50+ is an all-time favorite for those who like to wear fancy red hats, dressing in purple. However, what you wear may be fun, but there is much more to this society of fashion ladies. They go to lunch, movies, theater, and museums and overnight trips such as cruises. They even have an annual international convention.

In addition, the website offers a multitude of on-line activities such as discussion forums and opportunity to connect with Red Hatters all over the world – 24/7 accesses. From their website: “If an activity sounds fun, we grab our Hats and go”.

If you don't have a local chapter, there is always possibility to start one in your own community; a wonderful activity not only for your loved ones, but one you can join with them. Worried about not having the right outfit, the society offers an on-line store with many affordable accessories and of course red hats!


AARP, American Association for Retired Persons, is a well-known organization offering much information for seniors regarding travel and entertainment ideas. The site offers reviews on movies of interest for the senior population. There is a list of books that seniors may like such as cooking, Facebook guide, puzzles, and information on Medicare and Social Security and where to purchase them.

Americans Seniors Association

This organization provides a wide variety of benefits. It has a Last Minute Travel Club that offers substantial discounts (that they brag about) for hotels, flights, cruises, car rentals, theme parks and excursions. In order to get benefits, a reasonable membership fee is charged.

American Sewing Guild

Here is an On-line opportunity to learn to sew or improve sewing; local group chapters with fashion shows and sewing fairs to attend in your community. An excellent way to meet other sewing enthusiasts!

This site provides on-line classes from beginners to advanced levels. The organization offers retreats, especially for all levels with lessons and social networking with other needlepoint buffs! There are many kits to pick from on site, although this can be an expensive hobby. As such, something to consider for keeping arthritic fingers mobile and limber.

Gardening groups

Many communities have projects to beautify areas that need landscaping. Check your town website to see if there are beautify efforts taking place.

Ham Radio

You can check out the America Radio Relay League for information regarding where amateur ham radio operators can gather for activities as well as learn about latest information.

Fishing Organizations

For your loved ones who enjoy the serenity of fishing, you can Google Outdoor Adventures, and it will provide national fishing organizations.

Other Ideas

In addition, you might want to check out Youtube and Pinterest to get ideas for other type of activities.

Meanwhile, next time you are on your computer, you might want to Google some of these sites or ideas for activities either to do on-line or in your community. Keep in mind that the Internet has information on activities not only for your loved ones, but for caregivers as well.


Rita Dichele holds three Master degrees in Counseling Psychology, Health Care Administration, and Human Services. Ms. Dichele is certified in death & dying and bereavement from the Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC). She is on faculty with A.T. Still University and instructs classes in grief work and long-term care.


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