Fear Of Falling

Family members of older adults living at home often worry that their relative may fall – and rightly so.

Falls are a leading cause of emergency room visits and a major cause of disability and death in people over 65. Most falls occur at home – either inside or outside the house. Older people often restrict their activities simply because they are afraid of falling.
Fall risk factors include:
  • Poor balance and difficulty walking.
  • Lack of exercise: Even moderate physical activity promotes muscle tone, balance, flexibility, and bone mass.
  • Poor vision: Common eye disorders affect depth perception, peripheral vision, visual acuity, and ability to see in the dark.
  • Medications: Antidepressants and other drugs used to treat mental disorders can cause drowsiness; poor balance, difficulty walking, and reduced alertness.
  • Household hazards: Throw rugs, electrical cords, household clutter, poor lighting, unsteady furniture, no grab bars are common causes of falls at home.
Tips for preventing falls at home:
  • Moderate exercise at least every other day increases muscle strength and improves balance. Walking, sweeping floors, dusting, making beds, pulling weeds and other household chores are all good ways to get a workout.
  • Wear properly fitting shoes with low heels and rubber soles.
  • Get regular vision checkups.
  • Ask the physician or pharmacist about medications that may affect balance or coordination.
  • Remove throw rugs. Keep electrical cords out of the way.
  • Make sure the house is well lit – especially hallways and stairs.
  • Keep the TV remote and cordless phones near favorite chairs and next to the bed.
  • Clear outdoor steps and driveways of snow, ice, leaves, or trash.
  • Install grab bars in bathrooms near the toilet, shower, and tub.
These fall prevention tips will help older people live safely at home and provide peace of mind for family members concerned about their well-being.

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