Supporting kids with ADHD at home and in school starts with practical tools that foster focus, organization, and independence.
Backpack reminder:
Having a checklist of what needs to make it into their backpack everyday is a must have
for kids with ADHD. Homework folder, check. Lunch, check. Water bottle, check. Gym clothes, check. You get the point. Avoid the fights and promote autonomy with an easy to use, custom checklist.
Fidget toy of preference: pedals under the desk or weighted ball
Keeping attention focused on homework may involve a fair amount of effort for kids with
ADHD. Try a peddler under the kitchen table (homework is best done in a public space), or a weighted ball that sits in your child’s lap. While fidgeting looks like distraction, it can help provide the stimulation that kids need to allow their brain to focus elsewhere.
Keeping track of time is a challenge for most of us. Learning to use time efficiently, to
manage schedules and transition from one activity to another, is a major hurdle in childhood - especially for kids with ADHD. Task tracking timers/apps, visual timers and audio timers can all help to keep your child on task for work, breaks and favorite activities.
School agenda
Managing homework requires organization. Help your child to use a planner to keep
track of when assignments are due, the details of homework each night, and their daily schedule at school. Label sections together, highlight them each in a different color, and practice referencing the agenda every morning and night.
Locker organizer
Creating calm inside your child’s locker can help bring about success in the classroom.
Having bins for personal belongings, shelves for textbooks, hooks for clothing, a mirror, etc. can all help to bring about organization and focus.